Similar todos
fix close when active bug #cssscan
Showing Closed jobs also to prevent Soft 404 #vietnamdevs
Learning from @levelsio
change manual close job post to set auto_bump=0, because customers obviously expect if they CLOSE a job it won’t renew again, and then we can still autoBumpJobsThatAreSetToAutoBumpAndChargeThem.php on auto closed jobs #remoteok
support admin to reactive the closed jobs #vietnamdevs
#applicantai sort closed jobs in the end
Make user confirm closing a job posting before actually closing it #plumberjobs
Minor change to index jobs even if they are marked closed #plumberjobs
add more openings #entryleveljobs
Move ring closed #life
don’t close job in autoCloseJobs.php if auto_bump=1, and in case card fails in autoBumpJobsThatAreSetToAutoBumpAndChargeThem.php set job as closed=1 so auto bumped jobs close in case of a card fails, then after they update card it can retry it with autoBumpJobsThatAreSetToAutoBumpAndChargeThem.php?action==‘retry_bump_after_updating_card’ which sets closed=0 after renewing #remoteok
#web3jobs disable editing if job is closed
add 2nd close btn #buffering
make close button #cssscan
fix close all pinned boxes when closing the extension #cssscan
Implement close icon so the results panel can be closed #pagesextension