Remote OK

Remote OK


Find your remote job and work from anywhere
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write out upsell logic to rewrite it in code #remoteok
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fix Admin heading visible for non-admin in nav #remoteok
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do $10,000 giveaway to promote #remoteok…
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fix crazy head.php bug because db not loaded on 404 #remoteok
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tweet about before and after #remoteok .com…
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surpass WeWorkRemotely and become #1 remote job board in world #remoteok…
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add referrers by revenue to #remoteok /open
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pass $1.3M/y #remoteok
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manually add stripe_customer_id to new Toptal bundle because they paid with manual Stripe Invoice and the id needs to be attached to the bundle in case they select upsells on the job post so it charges their card #remoteok
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fix everytime someone would update Remote OK profile their photo would be flagged because we checked file_exists(user_id.’-100px.jpg’) but we don’t use local scaling px.jpg anymore we do it via Cloudflare Image Resizing now #remoteok
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fix hash collisions on sign up #remoteok by adding rand() to md5 user_id gen
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add Invoice Email for #remoteok companies so we can CC it to their finance department so they don’t lose them always
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replace PHPMailer in #remoteok job post page emails with SendGrid’s PHP library because it runs straight via their API and has less problems
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add uptime monitor for #remoteok profiles
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fix 404s #remoteok profiles if tag combo doesn’t exist
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make sure people don’t forget to add comma when adding tags to #remoteok profile like [ communication skills in business for 25 years like microsoft office ] but write [ communication skills ] [ microsoft office ] thx
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fix admin cannot unhighlight job post because I made it impossible for a company to UNhighlight a job post because they already paid for it, so if they’d unhighlight, then after they’d highlight again, it’d charge them again and total mayhem would ensue, and I have no system to log what they paid for before, so for now check if admin and allow to UNhighlight, if regular company don’t allow UNhighlight #remoteok
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fix admin cannot unsticky job post because I made it impossible for a company to UNsticky a job post because they already paid for it, so if they’d unsticky, then after they’d sticky again, it’d charge them again and total mayhem would ensue, and I have no system to log what they paid for before, so for now check if admin and allow to UNsticky, if regular company don’t allow UNsticky #remoteok
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add admin in nav #remoteok
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finish discount code generator so it sends an email to the company and a BCC copy to ourselves #remoteok
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