Remote OK

Remote OK


Find your remote job and work from anywhere
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improve discount code generator I just made #remoteok
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make active input boxes consistent focus color #remoteok
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make make discount page for customer support agent #remoteok so she can make discount codes
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add Be On Deck to #remoteok customers
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sell almost $40,000 job post bundle #remoteok
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make sure favicon changes back when you close job to originalFavicon #remoteok
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get most common brand color from job posts and save to companies.db as brand_color and color header of company page if available #remoteok
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work on company profile layout #remoteok
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add company logo to slowly iterate on company profile every day a little bit and fight the procrastination, and make them look the same as current user profiles #remoteok
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make my own modified Markdown Guide because my markdown plugin does NOT support * lists, but only supports - lists and people keep fucking it up when posting jobs #remoteok
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fix when you post job and go to Stripe Checkout then click <- Back on Stripe Checkout and cancel you go back to the job post, it loads it from the db, but there was some bugs that made it not be exactly the same job post (like the brand color would be disabled) so it had a different price and it confused people #remoteok
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add company description from new companies db to iterate current company page because making a new company page will be so much work so let’s just iterate #remoteok
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find out I’ve had if($bumpPrice>500) { $bumpPrice=500; } in auto bump script which has been limiting the bumpPrice for no other reason than that I thought that was a security limit in case price went wrong in 2014 #remoteok and it’s been keeping our revenue probably 30% lower for years F
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add “stripe_customer_ids” plural field so we can save multiple stripe_customer_ids when users bump a job but use different/new card in Stripe Checkout than card on file #remoteok
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add big banner on top to re-open job #remoteok
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let job post be edited even after it's closed so that companies can also download their invoices from edit page even after job post expires, add link to renew job post #remoteok
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check job post stripe_customer_id because it’s not tied to a customer but tied to the job in our case, and find all charges, and link them to the invoices so we can show all invoices to customer for a job post like renewals and upsells #remoteok
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start layout #remoteok company profiles
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find most commonly used logo from job posts for a company based on filesize similarity #remoteok
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collect all company data for current companies on #remoteok from Clearbit API
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