Remote OK

Remote OK


Find your remote job and work from anywhere
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see first job posted with TinyMCE HTML editor #remoteok
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add section on top of #remoteok to hire 🇺🇦 Ukrainians remotely #remoteok
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fix new TinyMCE HTML editor post job was broken because I forgot to add check if description was filled out and it would check for the old SimpleMDE test value which didn’t exist so it would never let you post #remoteok
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switch back to old editor to let ppl post jobs #remoteok
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get #remoteok sponsor to extend for $300k/y for 2 years
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increase short link QR price from $99 to $149 #remoteok
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disable generateStaticCacheForTagPages.php worker because we don’t use tag page cache anymore #remoteok
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set max tags from 4 to 3 so it doesn’t break lines #remoteok
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vertically center logos #remoteok
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fix mobile layout for ask for discount page #remoteok
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get Twitter marketing expense invoice for #remoteok giveaway promotion
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add link plugin #remoteok TinyMCE
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self-host TinyMCE on my own server and avoid paying $150/mo for buggy VC-funded SaaS app TinyCloud with literally non-existing support #remoteok (thanks @marc for tip)
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get rejected by Microacquire #remoteok
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fix if no company logo exists don’t show it #remoteok
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fix no closed tag on company page if job closed #remoteok
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switch to TinyMCE editor with HTML for new jobs now #remoteok
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work on TinyMCE editor integration so I can switch to HTML job posts and leave Markdown to die cause it's inconsistent and clunky #remoteok
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make TinyMCE editor look same as CodeMirror before #remoteok
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make invoice.php /invoice #remoteok work with new Stripe Checkout bundle codes
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