Pintura Image Editor
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#pintura request security audit for new customer portal
#pintura fix db seeding
#pintura add slim clone to pintura-input docs
#pintura add crop preset rotation
#pintura publish Figma plugin
#pintura build working Figma plugin
#pintura explore creating Figma plugin
#pintura add property to toggle zoom controls
#pintura find out about back links to pqina domain
#pintura make 100% zoom actual pixel size instead of fit-to-stage
#pintura add zoom control buttons and animate
#pintura buy
#pintura pan and zoom in annotation editor
#pintura accidental fruit ninja
#pintura start work on annotation tool zoom / pan
#pintura rewrite render logic for annotations moving from a frame buffer to matrix transforms
#pintura add 9-slice frame styles
#pintura add option to set crop zoom control as default selected in crop util
#pintura add customProperies safe-space in react-native proxy component template
#pintura add react-native styleRules property to pass styles to the editor proxy component