Luggage Losers
Luggage Losers
A live ranking of airlines by how much luggage they
Launched June 30, 2024
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go on Hacker News #luggagelosers
add perdue perdu French for lost #luggagelosers
sign up to travelpayouts to sell travel insurance #luggagelosers
add biggest loser #luggagelosers
add Luggage Score #luggagelosers
improve layout #luggagelosers
save author_id so that we don't process same user complaining about an airline multiple times #luggagelosers
add most luggage lost by country/region #luggagelosers
install Simple Analytics #luggagelosers
add colors and design #luggagelosers
make mobile friendly #luggagelosers
add favicon #luggagelosers
use goto in PHP to re-do airline search when rate limited by X like some maniac #luggagelosers
finish first version of #luggagelosers
make cron job that runs hourly and checks X for all lost luggage tweets for all airlines and sleeps for 15 min if rate limit of 60 per 15 min searches reached #luggagelosers
try calculate odds of losing luggage this week #luggagelosers
divide luggage lost tweets per week by fleet size to get idea of actual lost luggage by size of airline #luggagelosers
add other languages to search for lost luggage #luggagelosers
do first SQL query to see who loses most luggage per week #luggagelosers