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work from hospital #life
bring sick child to hôpital #life
bring home made salad to office because fed up with boterhammenlunch #life
sleep average of 08:35 last month #life
sleep 21:30 - 10:30 because ill now better #life
have fever 38,7C #life
mount cabinet to wall #life
get triggered into responding to another influencer with stupid flight booking tips #life
draw gato #life
pay taxes #life
try to cancel adobe account but be annoyed by agent asking for cancellation fee #life
make ramen profitability calculation because getting close #life
do taxes Q2 #life
go clinic to x-ray knee #life
pay invoices #life
sign up for marketing event of friend #life
check book prices to get payout from library lending #life
change amex referral link in blogs and book automatically #life
go to ikea and buy cabinet for office aka rukbunker #life