
Windsurf > Cursor

I feel like I understand what the agent context is (it's all neatly displayed in UI), and what it takes into consideration. 

Generating diffs that I can either accept or reject seems much more user-friendly in Windsurf where I can partially accept\reject changes in the editor tab, instead of only in chat.

So far, coding with Windsurf was much closer to coding with a buddy who understands what's going on instead of mindless GPT that constantly needs your corrections and clarifications.

Copilot seems to be the least advanced for now despite having a big update not so long ago adding support for Claude 3.5 Sonnet and gpt4-o1.

Have you tried any of these editors\assistants?

Also curious to know if anyone tried JetBrains AI Assistant.

Following as i am looking into the same right now