
What price should I ask for

I have created a website where you can find cycling clothing advice based on the weather forecast when you go for a ride.
You can search for a day, time and place where you will go cycling.
Then you get the clothing advice and the weather forecast per hour.

For now the website is only available in Dutch. KortKort means short shirt and short bib.

I have a lot of traffic on a daily base so I have created the site also in English(will be launched soon) so I can reach more users. 
Now it’s 95% Dutch users.

Also I want to add a singup/login so users will have to pay for my website when they want to get advice.

What should be a price you will pay for it?
For example: €5, €9, €19 per year or €19 lifetime?

EXAMPLE sign up part:

Sign up to unlock the clothing and weather advice content!

€9/year €19/year

☀️ Always be prepared for your ride
👕 Clothing advice for you ride
⏱️ Detailed weather advice per hour
🛎️ Get extra useful tips
🚨 Get clothing advice alert before your ride (coming soon)
🚀 Support future features

Let me know what you think about the price and feedback overall is always good :)


  • Start low enough to get some customers (= useful feedback)
  • Once you have enough traffic, test different prices to see where expect value drops too low (conversion rate × revenue per customer goes down)
  • Focus on recurring revenue to ensure your goals stay aligned with your customers (lifetime deals create perverse incentives)
  • See @jelmerdeboer's for a similar journey

Best of luck!

Thanks for your feedback Marc!

I'm curious, do you always launch your products with subscriptions first?

I've thus far ignored the common indie hacker advice of "launch with a one-time payment then MAYBE move to subscriptions" just because I find the one-time payment thing not very motivating.

In other words, if someone only pays once and expects me to update the app forever, I want to get paid for each additional update and not get taken advantage of. I suppose when I was growing up I was taught "never ever work for free" and giving away a lifetime of updates feels a lot like working for free, so it just feels "wrong."

The one exception has been #simpleotp where I have people pay once for the source code. But the expectation there is that there's only basic support provided and they need to host everything themselves, so it hasn't really been much of a burden.

Yeah I don't do lifetime deals. I think it attracts the wrong customer (= wrong product feedback) and sets the wrong incentives.

Come to think of it, I think it also comes across as dishonest to offer lifetime deals. I mean, I can barely predict what I'm doing over the next 5 years let alone the next 50 years.

When I'm 83 and (probably) have a declining mental state, am I really going to want to or be able to ship features for someone I promised a lifetime deal to 50 years ago? I think not heh