Journal Recommendations?
I've always wanted to get into journalling and tried a bunch of apps like Stoic and DayOne but never found one that I've enjoyed enough to stick with.
What are people using these days and why do you love it?
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My wife uses BestSelf and loves it, so it could be a good option!
I've used BestSelf's quarterly planner (the laminated one with a dry erase marker), and I loved it! I haven't used their daily planner, though. Might have to try.
IM building something for writing was initially for my kids but started using it myself for writing so maybe you can give it a try and give me some feedback :)
The idea started with the purpose to get my kids to write daily for 2 minutes to start then every 5 consecutive days they would get an option to to create a story, image and audio with the last 5 write ups, they enjoyed it and so did I, I left have not done much changes since I built it last year but recently my oldest started asking for things so Im back into it, is called .
You should also try lifelog by @jasonleow
Thanks for the shoutout, @vladBuild ! 🫡
Lifelog by @jasonleow
Oh ya, I used Obsidian too. Moved from Notion.
But those can be a distraction for a lot of people.
Best is paper journal. I do that quite often now.
Leuchtturm1917 journal. As in, a real paper journal. Works great for me.
I've moved everything (from snippets, knowledge, facts, thoughts and journaling) into Obsidian about a year ago.
Very happy, don't think I'll need anything else anymore.
It's perfect if you like Markdown, flexibility and the ability to use CLI tools on it as well. Whole load of plugins (like Daily Note) to make live easy and tweak things to your liking. Works on both phone and desktop.
I've been journaling for ~3 years and I love it. I'd recommend focusing on building the habit rather than choosing the perfect tool. Just start with plain text journaling and build the habit. After a few months, you'll have a clearer idea of what kind of tool you need, if any.
The only journaling app that has ever stuck long-term and never stopped feeling pleasant to use is a moleskine notebook. I get the hard cover special editions for this and just pick one that speaks to me when the current notebook starts running out.
Currently on a ~1700 day streak of writing 2 to 3 pages every morning
Hey Jamie, not sure if semi-public journaling is your thing, but that's what we do over at Lifelog -
Just 100 words a day. Streak tracking for daily writing. But most of us stay for the community - that's my fav part of running Lifelog too. Over time we're like a mastermind group
I was hoping to see you mention LifeLog here!! I really need to come back and participate more ❤️
We miss ya, Cat! More feral writing needed in the community haha.. please come back! 😊🙏
I tried many apps, but went back to notebooks. Field Notes in particular. Get a subscription, they're great.
Remarkable2 or Pro will always be that type of device to trigger: “Would it be useful or a waste or money?” 🤔😬