We're a group of makers shipping together. We help each other stay accountable and reach our goals.
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diewithme.online/ An iPhone chat app you can only use when you have less than 5% battery.
You can follow this artist, he makes a lot of fun things. driesdepoorter.be/ Ex: Tinder business cards, scratch cards to win Instagram followers etc.
thats awesome! really cool projects he does
anything by twitter.com/thinkoco ( @pugson makes the frontend i think )
some of their products
ahha scam daddy pretty funny. once upon a time i used screenhole. was an expereicne
👋 Join WIP to participate
diewithme.online/ An iPhone chat app you can only use when you have less than 5% battery.
You can follow this artist, he makes a lot of fun things. driesdepoorter.be/ Ex: Tinder business cards, scratch cards to win Instagram followers etc.
thats awesome! really cool projects he does
anything by twitter.com/thinkoco ( @pugson makes the frontend i think )
some of their products
ahha scam daddy pretty funny. once upon a time i used screenhole. was an expereicne