Charlie Harrington

Charlie Harrington


Building 📆 Mezcal - a calendar for people who forget things.

Thanks! How do you set the canonical url to your blog? Is this something easy in the Medium post config?

Ahh I haven't done it yet. But I think its in the Settings. Checkout this articles -


Maybe they help :)

Hm, not sure about themes. But there are now lots of great examples on the README and docs pages. I'm sure you can find something off the shelf! My blog source code is open source - not a ton of bells or whistles, but my approach lets you write posts in either Markdown or React components.

I used Gatsby.js for my personal blog and it's a complete breeze if you're a React fan. I haven't tried hooking up to a CMS - just writing posts in markdown and pushing to Github Pages - but there's great docs on their site.

Hello Charlie! It's good that you mentioned Gatsby here. 👌🏻

I've used Gatsby prior to this, but the lack amount of theme made me pull out myself from it. Has it changed now? The thing is I don't want to spend much time designing the blog.

Hm, not sure about themes. But there are now lots of great examples on the README and docs pages. I'm sure you can find something off the shelf! My blog source code is open source - not a ton of bells or whistles, but my approach lets you write posts in either Markdown or React components.

Thanks Alex - yeah, I'm mostly concerned about the ongoing database and background task(s)! just a basic Gatsby site that supports either Markdown or React-based posts