Singh Shashi

Singh Shashi


A person who loves to figure things out. Building @gettrici. Helping developers with easier and faster context switching.
Joined July 2021

Hey.. I am not familiar with the Crypto space so actually none of it makes much sense to me.

1) Sounds like a good idea to me. It is somewhat close to what JustDial was in India. JustDial was basically a directory of businesses and customers called JustDial asking for the contact details of lets say a Movers and Packers. Just Dial would then send your contact details to businesses on its platform and they would reach out to you explaining their offerings. Eventually though, a lot of JustDials business has been lost to startups like Urban Clap, who rather than being a directory of all types of businesses, focus more on few specific type of businesses such as home cleaning etc. and provide a much better quality of service. But both co exist.

that's an awesome insight! thanks a lot, Singh

I cannot code beyond six hours of intensely focused coding work. That too is an outlier and the average would be more around 4.5 hours on a day to day basis. I keep the coding for when I will feel the freshest during the day. This varies as my sleep cycle keeps changing, but generally if I have had over 6.5 hours of continuous sleep, I make it a point to exercise and then after that as the body is recovering from the exercise, I can sit for longer hours with focus and that is when I code. Later in the day, I might do other work.

Thanks for the feedback, rinas!A focus session is like a Pomodoro Session, just not necessarily restricted to 25 mins. You are right when you say it is a toll to avoid distractions, but much more than that. Let me see what changes I can do to make the messaging better.

Message is clear! Simple and neat landing page!

Thanks :) Initial copy was different and made lot of iteration after getting feedback from Indie Hackers group