Jonas Krauss

Jonas Krauss


I stubbornly ignore the impossible
Joined September 2019
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Thank you Edwin, very helpful. Great that you like the guy on the mountain :) Pricing and specifics missing - I read you, am working hard to figure this out right now ;)

Nope, didn't find Clearbit yet, thank you! I know Salesforce, found Salesmachine and basically think these people might be happy for my help :)

I don't know if you waste your time explaining details about the theme, because (as you quickly figured out) I just picked the first one that looked decent for the use case. But sure - yes I'm interested!

"proof" - like customer reviews, recommendations?

Yes "CASH IN" - you're not the first to criticize this.. I'm trying to adopt sales language.. probably too much

reach out to Sales people - is out and waiting, I hope to receive feedback tomorrow.

"proof" - like customer reviews, recommendations?

Credentials (e.g. relevant work experience), social proof (customer reviews), etc.

This x 100; it build trust, especially if they know the company or have heard of it.

Ouch, that hurts a bit ;) but it helps even more - thanks a lot Marc!

For these roasts I tend to focus on the negative as I feel that's the most helpful. Take it with a grain of salt though. I'm peculiar when it comes to sales-oriented products.

Do you know Clearbit? I think it's a great example of a sales-oriented product suite with great marketing and landing pages.

Nope, didn't find Clearbit yet, thank you! I know Salesforce, found Salesmachine and basically think these people might be happy for my help :)

I don't know if you waste your time explaining details about the theme, because (as you quickly figured out) I just picked the first one that looked decent for the use case. But sure - yes I'm interested!

"proof" - like customer reviews, recommendations?

Yes "CASH IN" - you're not the first to criticize this.. I'm trying to adopt sales language.. probably too much

reach out to Sales people - is out and waiting, I hope to receive feedback tomorrow.

"proof" - like customer reviews, recommendations?

Credentials (e.g. relevant work experience), social proof (customer reviews), etc.

This x 100; it build trust, especially if they know the company or have heard of it.

Ya; Clearbit is great, but it's targeting salesops or sales leaders to get implemented; looks like Jonas is targeting IC sales folk; so, something like mixmax might be a closer hit marketing wise (though, they do both - maybe

My first thoughts..
"hey this looks cool, I AM lazy.."
"Gosh another apple-only product.."
"Yeah, sure another domain-specific language to learn.."

So - to convince me (well you can't I don't use a mac ;P )
--> Convince me in the first 30-60 seconds on the page that I don't have to learn a new language or that learning will come naturally because.. or..

Great feedback Jonas, thank you I appreciate! I have improved the wording I hope the value prop will be clearer.
Yeah unfortunately a linux version is not on the roadmap yet but I want to see what’s going on with the launch, I already feel that a lot of people interested in IoT are not on the apple ecosystem!

Hi Pyotr,

the whole point for me to join WIP was, that "makers" are a very special kind and you only find very few locally. Makers are a small fraction of stratup people which again are still a small fraction of ...

.. So let's assume you make the (hard) challenge to find 3-20 people in your city - what should they pay you for? In the physical world you can't own the platform. And if you don't do it physically then your whole point of having a local community is gone.

Absolutely good idea to seek out local makers and rally together. But this is not a business idea imho.

I thought about the same, reaseaching a bit and I fould google alerts, which does pretty much that: