Przemysław Chojecki

Przemysław Chojecki


Burnout designer, now developer wannabe, maybe founder in near future. Taking my three dogs on once in a lifetime journey.
Joined May 2024

I used the t4g.2xlarge, but I'm not using the iPad anymore, so I just do everything locally. :-)

If I had to start again, I would probably go with a Hetzner dedicated server, as you can get a super powerful machine for less than €40. But you could also do everything on a super cheap $5 droplet on DO. :)

I have used my iPad as my primary and only device for over two years. I worked with an AWS EC2 instance connected via Mosh using Blink Shell ( and coded on Ubuntu with Neovim.

I didn't use a GUI editor, but you can use Blink Code, which is VSCode integrated into Blink. It still requires a remote machine to connect to for running code, but you can also use Tailscale to connect to your home Mac or computer and work from there.

Depending on your use case, you can easily adapt this setup to suit various needs. I loved every minute using the iPad, but as a full-time designer, it did limit my possibilities. Figma worked well until it didn't, and designing in Affinity was not an option. However, from a programmer's perspective, it’s a wonderful machine. If I were coding exclusively, I would trade in my Mac without hesitation. :-)

What are the specs of the EC2 instance you work on?

Sounds like a very nice thin client setup!

I used the t4g.2xlarge, but I'm not using the iPad anymore, so I just do everything locally. :-)

If I had to start again, I would probably go with a Hetzner dedicated server, as you can get a super powerful machine for less than €40. But you could also do everything on a super cheap $5 droplet on DO. :)

If you have Revolut, you can use their eSIM offer with a data plan, which is very convenient.

Sadly don't. The block me, for no apparent reason. Funny how they are the dodgy fuckers and I've had quite high security clearance back in the days...

Both, I want to know how everyone use them or if they have special use cases

That would be :-)

There's a lot of plugins that make use of this, I have it in my Neovim config as well.

I'd never heard of it. It's a great tool

Have deleted Grammarly and am giving this a go - thank you so much @pcho !

It looks very well integrated. Will give it a try too!

This one. Supports more languages and self-hosting.
Works in many environments and has many integrations for desktop apps as well.

Second this.

I think Grammary is decent (though kinda bloatware-ish) because it stopped working for me since either my account was Russian or it tracked my ip, so it wasn’t working due to “Russia le bad”. I mean, okay, your stance and whatever, but actively suspending my account is a bit too much, I think.

Anyway I’m glad I’ve found out about Language Tool — it’s way better!

Thanks for the answer! It's basically what I have in my current backpack, but the pack itself isn't suitable for walking. So, I'll consider GoRuck or anything up to 40 liters, as I need some additional space just in case. :-)

One thing I need to drop is pants. I plan to travel only to countries that are warm or have summer when I'm there, so I don't need anything other than shorts. Thanks for that. :)