Patrick Loonstra

Patrick Loonstra


Designer or brands and interfaces 🕶
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Not. Try another one.
I tried a few times to contact Twitter support because an account was not active and I wanted to use that user name. But never heard from them.

Btw, this approach works with GitHub organization names

Dig a bit into the suggestion collection of Feedly and Inoreader. They have plenty.

That's actually a good suggestion, thanks!

Do you mean services like (

Hey Patrick! Nope, something more like a payment provider or gateway that I could use. Paypal's taking a 2 cut commission from me like so:

1) When the buyer pays me the product's price on my platform
2) When I transfer my sellers their earnings for selling their products on my platform

That leaves me in a position where I am not able to make any money and I'm essentially running the platform at a loss (hosting, domains, emails and marketing all costs money)

Siteground is also a great option. 3 year customer now.
Their support is outstanding and service.