Marc Köhlbrugge

Marc Köhlbrugge


Maker of WIP. Building various other projects as well. Writing book about domain names.
Joined September 2017
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Right now I do it manually with ChatGPT. I'm considering making it a WIP feature.

Hi Hugo, welcome to WIP!

I have no issue going on calls with people, and I've done marketing for other people quite well, yet, when it comes to marketing my own products or services, it has always been a challenge and feel overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done.

If you have any advice or strategies to help me overcome this internal barrier that is preventing me from achieving the results I want, I would greatly appreciate it.

What helped me a lot is realizing that "selling" is just helping people solve their problem. As long as you believe in your product to be a good solution, and the customer to have the problem it solves, you should feel good about selling it to them.

If you have doubts on whether your product is any good, I think it helps to just talk to customers who are already using it and getting value out of it. And if you don't have any customers yet, just try to find a few people who will use it for free for a while (e.g. during the beta phase). That way you don't feel the pressure of asking for their money.

That's very true! My main issue is mostly related to doing the marketing for customers to know about the product. There's a part of me that is scared of talking about me (what I do) which make it hard to even find free customers.

This has been an issue for a while, so now it's less intense since I've learned to surpass it, but still somewhat present.

What are some of your "favorite" channel for marketing? I'm curious.

I feel like Reddit can be great but you need to understand how it works, and then there's content marketing (SEO, short videos, etc.) which is a bit easier but requires a lot of consistency.

For me it's Twitter and (programmatic) SEO. Those are channels that come natural to me. They are somewhat predictable and I enjoy working on them.

I try to avoid building products that require other marketing channels.

That make sense, especially if it's something that comes naturally for you. Twitter can work really well if your audience is there, especially that the build in public is strong there. :)

Hi James, welcome to WIP!

Design GUI looks intriguing. I'm a Tailwind CSS user myself. Is it useful for that or is it geared more towards people managing their own CSS?

Hey Marc. The extension just needs you to be using CSS variables. It doesn't intrinsically matter if you're also using Tailwind or not.

Having said that you get some extra features if you're using daisyUI or shadcn/ui. You can recreate these features with a custom configuration (…), but if you're using either of those libraries you get them out of the box.

I guess it helps a lot that it's based on my manually written todos. So it repurposes all of that and just ties it all together.

This is an experiment. This post was generated by AI by providing it my recently completed todos.

Ha, who would've suspected. I thought you spent some time writing all this down and formatting it on your own 😄

interesting. if u hadnt told me it was AI i wouldnt have guessed.

I guess it helps a lot that it's based on my manually written todos. So it repurposes all of that and just ties it all together.

I thoroughly enjoyed it and like others, I didn't think it sounded as if AI had written it.

Receiving SMS texts is free I think. Double check with your provider. So if your phone supports dual sim cards (all recent iPhones do), then you can keep your home SIM active. Just make sure you disable roaming (so it won't try to connect to the internet) and don't pick up any calls (as it will probably cost you money).

Does it work even if the country is not listed in the provider's roaming supported countries list? I tried in the past, and they told me no, we don't work in that country (Indonesia). Maybe I just need to change of provider 😂

Same. Makes it really easy to get a local eSIM.

Pro tip: You can often extend and add additional data with the telco’s own app.

Although now that I think about it, we could do it slightly differently and it might have wider appeal. Or maybe this is what you meant. Here's what I have in mind now:

A column chart similar to iPhone's sleep schedule. The x axis represent the days (each day is a column). The y axis represents the hour of the day. The column goes from first todo created (e.g. 8am) to last todo created (e.g. 9pm).

The length of the columns will show the work session times (longer columns is longer work sessions). Where they start and stop shows when you start and stopped working. We can also show dots within the column for each completed todo.

Times would be adjusted for the time zone you were in at that moment.

I agree it would be an interesting visualization.

One challenge would be figure out what to do with work sessions that end AFTER midnight. Which I think is quite common.

I guess a simpler solution would be not to show columns, but just dots for each completed todo.

I was imagining a little square widget on the user's profile in the right sidebar. The X axis is days, the Y axis is the amount of time it took the person to start working (self-reported).

The idea would be you could have several different types of productivity-measures that people could track. For example, MyFitnessPal lets you track steps per day, but I don't use that functionality.

I think your proposed version would definitely result in a smaller codebase since you wouldn't be collecting and storing additional types of information, my only reservation is that I don't think it would be particularly useful to me without knowing 1) when I woke up that day (maybe have that as a special TODO type that gets ignored on the homepage / profile so it doesn't clutter the UI?), 2) how difficult the TODO was, since some of my tasks take many hours to complete (I suppose it would incentivize having small tasks to jumpstart the day, which is a productivity tip I've already been wanting to use).