Leif Latiff

Leif Latiff


Fractional CTO and indie maker, helping small companies and entrepreneurs while working on personal projects. Malaysian living in Kazakhstan.
Joined July 2024
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I switch between Claude, GPT, Llama, and Gemma. Previously my bill for both GPT + Claude was less than $5.

Mine is zero. And yours?

how? So you are not using it via API on Cursor IDE?

I switch between Claude, GPT, Llama, and Gemma. Previously my bill for both GPT + Claude was less than $5.

I've tried this when I was still working 9-5 (more like 7-7 12-hour work).

Wakeup at 5am, get my coffee, no social media, just deep focus (learning to code, or work on my side-gigs) until 645am.

Then shower and get to work.

I rarely continue the side-of-things in the evening after work, too tired.

Cool! I'm following Brackeys on Youtube. He makes it look easy.

Omg I just signed up for his game jam on next month when I have literally ZERO SKILLS right now, which is laughably hilarious. I expect to either not finish a game in a week or submit something so horrible that people won't know what to comment for feedback. 🤣🤣

He's a great one to follow, though! I can share other good dev creators if you'd like.

I also like following other newbies to remind me that we all start somewhere and so we can cheer each other on :)

Ooo I'll check that out later. Let's continue on DM!

Great question! I wish I had asked this question before I quit my job.

I'm one of those people who quit their jobs to pursue personal interests. DON'T DO THAT!

I was struggling to do both 9-5 and startup. And I was so obsessed with my idea, that I couldn't focus on my day job. So I quit, and joined an accelerator.

Startup failed, and I was jobless. Truth hurts.

If I can go back in time, I would try my hardest to find a way to juggle the two.
Like asking this type of questions on the internet.😉

Funny that, after all that happened, being self-employed makes me a better time-manager. Weird.

Ooof I have so many opinions about these accelerator mastermind offers popping up everywhere. I'm glad you figured it out in the end, though!

I've always found the more responsibilities I have on my plate, the more I can take on. (Within limits, of course.) But having only strict hours when I can work means I either show up to do the work or fail. Since I'm highly competitive (probably a little too much, even with myself), I don't want to lose, so I figure it out and become extremely efficient.

Funny how all the fluff work and doubts seem to disappear when we're forced to take action or perish 🤣🤣

It's great to see the other side of this. I quit my job 3 months ago. I'll report back when I run out of saved money 😂

I doubt I regret it, but we'll see.

Yes, I timebox mine for 90 minutes for deep work, with rest or non-focused tasks in between.

Yep, I don't know how people get anything done without flow sessions like this.

It takes me so long to get into a decent flow, and when that focus is interrupted, it takes a while for my brain to shift back into that mode (if it can at all). I used to have so much rage whenever anyone (including my kids, unfortunately) interrupted my creative flow, but I've since created better boundaries (my calendar isn't accessible and strictly regulated with people who do have access) and isolated as much as possible (log out of everything, turn off my phone, go where I don't know anyone) when required.

If I'm on my meds and have prepared for a marathon day (16-20 hours), I can sometimes go 5-6 hours before needing to take a break, but I try to stand up at least every 3 hours to remember I'm human with a physical body 🤣

That is cool! I always wanted to try game dev, did Unity courses sometime ago, but gave up half way. Was about to try out Godot, but got work stacked up recently, so have to put it on hold.

A LOT of people have jumped ship from Unity and moved to Godot, so it's definitely worth checking out again when you have time! That'd be cool to see another newbie game dev in the WIP community too.

There are Skillshare courses for Godot, but I'm not sure they walk you through a class project game or if it's just instructional/theoretical. (I prefer the former since it's more practical and you have something tangible to show for your effort.)

Cool! I'm following Brackeys on Youtube. He makes it look easy.

Omg I just signed up for his game jam on next month when I have literally ZERO SKILLS right now, which is laughably hilarious. I expect to either not finish a game in a week or submit something so horrible that people won't know what to comment for feedback. 🤣🤣

He's a great one to follow, though! I can share other good dev creators if you'd like.

I also like following other newbies to remind me that we all start somewhere and so we can cheer each other on :)

Ooo I'll check that out later. Let's continue on DM!

Haha, I just did that a few weeks ago. It's either they will reply to you or not. That's all.