Leif Latiff

Leif Latiff


Fractional CTO and indie maker, helping small companies and entrepreneurs while working on personal projects. Malaysian living in Kazakhstan.
Joined July 2024

Congrats!🥳🎉 You deserve it! is biutipool!

thank you for your support Unker Leif 🥹💖🙏

I’m still a big advocate for therapy. Finding the right person makes all the difference. It's great to talk to a stranger without feeling guilty afterward.

For the record, I’m an introvert, so meeting people? Not my thing. I jog and play guitar/ukulele to unwind.

idk, i took it before because it came together with the whey protein that i ordered. they said it helps you to push more with the weights and all that. this was years ago, and i stopped going to the gym and start running🏃‍♂️💨 instead.

A very good initiative, @Remco!👍 I would probably join, but I don't have any product at the moment. We'll see in 2-3 weeks time.😉

Welcome to WIP! I think I saw you on X, because of the Nobinge name. I thought it was a French-word, then realized it's actually "no binge".😆

And I love that you put Rick Astley as the example.👏