Jordan Bowman

Jordan Bowman


👨‍💻 I make stuff for the web
Joined March 2018

As far as tutorials, and are good. But I also agree with Ashish—the best way is to build something.

Strong endorse of Treehouse. Their in-browser IDE removes some of the friction of getting started.

I'll start (as an example) — I'm on Indie Hackers and Twitter often. Edit: I'm also on PH a lot.

Joel I don't know how familiar you are with Todoist, but if you end up working on it, it would be nice if you could hook up a specific Project to WIP

I have no experience with it but it makes perfect sense, translates to Github repo => WIP product.

+1 for Todoist

Joel I don't know how familiar you are with Todoist, but if you end up working on it, it would be nice if you could hook up a specific Project to WIP

I have no experience with it but it makes perfect sense, translates to Github repo => WIP product.