Avi Aryan

Avi Aryan


Freelance Software Engineer, India + Remote
Joined February 2018
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I have used Bulma and UIKit. Bulma is a light CSS based framework that can be easily customized. UIKit is full-blown with tons of JS features but I find it hard to customize.

Thanks. I have opened a ticket.

UPDATE - They did reply but no help. Paddle does support debit cards but it should not be 3D secure/OTP protected. And this is not the case with most of the people here.

Paddle looks good. Very customizable, supports multiple currencies, and a good SDK. But I created my payment page and tried to pay with a debit card and it didn't work. Obviously, I was trying to sell a product and not a recurring payment type service. So do you know how I can fix this?

Thanks in advance. I really appreciate your help.

Nope. Try Paddle Support.

Thanks. I have opened a ticket.

UPDATE - They did reply but no help. Paddle does support debit cards but it should not be 3D secure/OTP protected. And this is not the case with most of the people here.

You can outsource it from low cost countries like India (where $25 is like too much IMO). I know some students who are excellent devs and who would like to earn some quick bucks. Ping me if you are interested.

Thanks for your answer. It helps me realize that I should be able to ship my own backend quite quickly. I don't have prior Firebase experience, and though it was made to save time, that time saved would be ineffective in my case since I would have to do a lot of googling.

I assumed you knew firebase, but if you don't so goes with tools you are familiar. When your product will make money, you will be motivated enough in doing a transition if you need it

Many folks including Nomad List are using Mapbox for powering their maps.

Mapbox looks really good.. But I need this mainly to replace the Google Maps Geocoding API - and I couldnt get street level lat+long details via Mapbox. Maybe I was doing something wrong.. Have sent them an email. Lets see. GmAps is crazy expensive!

+1 for this idea. We can even have a feature to list/filter through todos and complete them.