
Best way to collect payments if most of my customers are Indians?

I guess I can go with Stripe but I will like to minimize my fees. Also, most Indians (95%) don't have credit cards so I am not sure about going with Stripe.

Razorpay requires a business registration which I don't have right now.

UPDATE - Stripe doesn't work for Indian businesses.

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Paddle looks good. Very customizable, supports multiple currencies, and a good SDK. But I created my payment page and tried to pay with a debit card and it didn't work. Obviously, I was trying to sell a product and not a recurring payment type service. So do you know how I can fix this?

Thanks in advance. I really appreciate your help.

Nope. Try Paddle Support.

Thanks. I have opened a ticket.

UPDATE - They did reply but no help. Paddle does support debit cards but it should not be 3D secure/OTP protected. And this is not the case with most of the people here.