Similar todos
bb: monthly list: add phone + chat msg buttons
bb app: customer info button: add button for
"send chat msg"
bb: users sending chat msgs twice. too slow?
bb web: show number of unread msgs in every view
bb app: designer month overview: fix m/y display on top
bb: cleanup dummy chat msgs in demo
bb app: calendar bug, sometimes not showing properly
bb app: fix bug when changing date+customer at the same time
bb show messages in web version
bb: when pressing notification, open chat
fix a bad UI on a chat feature on the smartphone #hour
bb: fix refresh demo bug
bb: add dummy chat msgs in demo account
bb: show msg button after booking done
bb login page: locale problem still not fixed
bb app: month overview: dont bounce on list end
bb: booking changes by customer, change msg color in bb thread
bb web: support images in msgs
fix Chat issue #hour