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find solution for if company adds sticky (24h/7d/30d) during editing job it won’t sticky cuz sticky based on posting date not when sticky was added; solution = sticky boolean value can be a timestamp instead (0 = false, 1 = true, 1601993989 is timestamp of sticky time) and it checks that when showing stickies and resets timestamp of job to edit #remoteok (complex af)
speed up #remoteok to just 7% of the WAIT time from yesterday
Cache results to improve search functionality #greenjobshunt
#web3jobs switch default sticky to 7 days
#inweed truncate jobs table down to 30 days based on feedback
remove job used as workaround for uptime calculation #spectate
Configure Good Job to retry failed jobs 25 times with polynomial backoff #wip
Remove background jobs that were stuck #wip