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fix issue with json_encode when saving jobs #daj
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Fixed UTF-8 encoding issues #tenderpanel
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fix utf-8 bug in database #ytcount
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fix encoding API feed #remoteok to UTF-8
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fix tags missing for entire city because json_encode() fails on badly encoded char tags like "🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍��", add fix to check tags text with mb_check_encoding() and skip if badly encoded to avoid json_encode() failing with empty response #hoodmaps
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fix string “ tags in JSON schema, use json_encode #nomads
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fix bad/broken/empty schema JSON-LD sometimes due to bad unicode characters, build safe_json_encode() which uses utf8_encode() to hard encode strings and arrays before json_encoding them because json_encode with bad chars fails silently and returns nothing #remoteok
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Fix an issue with database not opening as utf-8 #incomerankings
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fix if DM has Japanese characters it won’t show messages in web IM due to json_encode() silently failing, fix with mb_convert_encoding() and JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE #nomads (for @akina_s)
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Fix UTF-8 characters in custom JS not saving correctly #writeas
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fix companies not to aggregate from external boards list was empty because a company with a non Unicode char killed the json_encode() function, replaced with serialize() function now #remoteok
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fix var userCity=; bug due to json_encode crashing #nomads
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fix base64 encoding issue #virus
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fix html_entity_decode bug because you need to add ENT_QUOTES to make it decode ' #nomads bio
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fix #hoodmaps NYC JSON wasn't being produced cause fatal bug cause PHP 8.3
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Change database charset from utf8 to utf8mb4 #demtovideo
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fix html encoding name bug #qrmenu
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fix image loading bug with encodeURI for weird URL’s #vokal
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fix the encoding issue with utf characters #witsio
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fix json highlighting #skrrt
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