Similar todos
refactor go app into separate funcs instead of monofunc
refactor app to be more modular #plato
time lambda functions
Remove unused lambdas #codewithhugo
Think about rewriting a microservice for #ipregistry
small intro app #sellgitlab
refactor entire app into feature libs for maintainability #saasco
livecode building a smol jamstack+serverless app in 1h
Form mini refactoring #sheet2site
Tiny refactor #gobiernovasco
restructure JSON of communication between my server & aws lambdas #httpscop
refactor some code #audiogest
refactor some code #jasp
write article about speeding up a lambda by 33% #blog2
refactor app user load #thumblr
package #prose web application into a lightweight macos app
#rec refactor initialState handling in app