Similar todos
🎨 updates post detail and home page templates #djangonews
🎨 Updated the header to stretch the width of the screen and some other small visual fixes #jobs
🎨 template and form updates #conf
🎨 Updated homepage to use new color scheme. (yay, tailwindcss) #djangonews
🎨 lots of font-awesome updates #revsys
🎨 more event form updates (spacing is much better) #conf
🎨 updated several project templates using djhtml #mylife
Updated the fonts
🎨 fixed a few series display issues #conf
🎨 cleaned up the places layout and added a much better template #lfk
🎨 Fixed a few layout issues and approved several #jobs
🎨 updated templates to make base page not as wide and event details to expose extra data #conf
Updated about and now pages #pscom
UI updates #shaunlol
Layout updates to #lokus
🎨 light #jobs template work
🎨 Linted and updated templates and found a few random non-obvious html issues #djangonews