Similar todos
replace with drift in the app
Communication - Remove Drift and use Smallchat instead #skipool
update changelog with the new stuff #rayfeed
use #rayfeed to get some more feedback on the new #rayfeed features
v1.2.001 - Integrate Drift as chat integration instead of intergram (wasn't workable anymore) #sparkly
open drift chat widget #starterstory
switch to drift before billing goes live #rayfeed
added drift chat to madewithoutcode
minimize new widget #rayfeed
write up a changelog entry for new stuff #rayfeed
add a missing transition for minimizing/expanding the widget so it looks less out of place #rayfeed
trim intro so it fits better #rayfeed
review some docs #rayfeed
redesigned chat #tregue
tweak annotation ui mockups #rayfeed
design test creation 2.0 #rayfeed
handle more support #rayfeed
Fix Rayfeed typo #pixelsnap