Similar todos
resolved add/remove potluck issue #potlucky
fixed issue with delted potlucks
removePotluck still doesn't auto reload, clean this up
resolve add meal, should be pushing entire new potluck template opject, rather than just pushing the two properties
fix save meal updates breaking because participant object disappears
Guest item deleting #ilend
resolved participant listing issue #mealparty
cleaning up auth-flow for #mealparty
#relativity fix state bug
edit > save participant should update w/out page reload #potlucky
#pintura fix problem where multiple instances accidentally shared state
Party cleanup #allplay
implement event deletion #june
add system to keep track of which members have been removed and for which reason #wip
resolved calendar time bug #mealparty
make sure items update on delete as well #financialtoolbelt
bb: cleanup offdays db table
wrapped up edit item #mealparty
fix pending issue for #paleo meal plans