Similar todos
Added monthly and daily averages for trip costs #venturecost
Trips now show Accommodation and Expenses's average per month #venturecost
User Profiles now show the average cost of a trip (Accmmodation + Expenses) #venturecost
Added stats while hovering a trip. Currently it shows the ratings a user has given the trip, but it will be extended to show some numbers later too #venturecost
Finished the location cache! Averages and ratings are now automatically re-cached after any trip gets approved #venturecost
Added a total breakdown of all expenses from all trips on the profile page #venturecost
Started working on the Trip cache, to store average ratings, prices etc. for all cities in the app. Already completed the cache-function, I'm on fire 🔥 #venturecost
Added functionality to add Supported Accommodation/Expenses, so the trips have a proper value publicly #venturecost
Added stats for all cities while hovering (Average, ratings etc.) #venturecost
Added a Modal for Accommodation input, so you can enter the cost, plus eventual supported amount. This is so you can determine the true cost of the trip, and how much you paid. #venturecost
Finished Trip Filters on both User and Trips page. Going to extend it later to change the URL, and have more options later on #venturecost
Finished the filtering of trips, just have to implement it everywhere now! #venturecost
Added Overhead Costs (Additional Expenses) to the app, making it possible to differentiate between expenses made specifically for the trip, and costs more related to your life, such as 1 years subscription to Netflix/Spotify #venturecost
adding countries to trip #photoroute