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Starting working on the filtering of trips, this is a tough one! #venturecost
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Finished Trip Filters on both User and Trips page. Going to extend it later to change the URL, and have more options later on #venturecost
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Finished half the filters for Trips, did some progress even though I had a 10 hours work day :=) #venturecost
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Country Filter Front/Backend Routes done and fixed ;-) #fullstackjob
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deploy new /trips page map with fully filterable users #nomads
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#pintura start work on filter feature
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Start working on filters #remoteindex
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Finally added the tag on the Trip thumbnails to display the Average cost per month for each city that contains approved trips. Been looking forward to this for a long time 😻 #venturecost
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Finished the location cache! Averages and ratings are now automatically re-cached after any trip gets approved #venturecost
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enable user filtering by trip months in future #nomads
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Finished "Edit Trip" form front & back-end #venturecost
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Added continents as a search filter for trips #venturecost
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Started working on the Trip comments. Pretty difficult task, but I think I got it under control #venturecost
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Renamed database fields to make more sense, applied everywhere and started moving all the trip settings into a modal called "Edit Trip" to make things easier for the eye #venturecost
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refactored some of the code into modules #travelassistant
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Work on filters #remoteindex
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Work on filters #remoteindex
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Get everything for trip
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Added "Mark as Complete" for trips that are past, and simple review functionality in the admin panel #venturecost
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make date filter box on /trips map based on current month and forward (so now June -> May) #nomads
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