Similar todos
Play around with Mobx vs Redux
Mobx Counter
fix codesandbox example so smart people can give feedback
run into codesandbox being weird and fail to finish example code for today’s article #blog2
almost get babel-lolcode-macro working in a codesandbox
move CodePen examples to CodeSandbox #reactd3workshop
#pintura add Codesandbox button to example code snippets
first time playing around w next.js #studydev
refactor info to use mobx #thumblr
livecode some mobx-state-tree research #blog2
- try to setup a codesandbox for htmx ✅ #greendeploy
Practice JS modules #learn2codebb
prototype mvp of next.js to get familiar
livecode trying out NextJS #codewithswiz
more next js practice #studydev
decide to use Codesandbox instead of CodePen going forward #reactd3workshop
livecode messing around with nextjs #codewithswiz
finish coding test part 1