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barefoot walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 20,25 min - average speed: 5,40 km/h - remarks: Bit windy but still springly warm, sun, not many clouds. Allergy symptoms occur (tickling nose and stressed eyes). Good day. #health
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barefoot walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 21 min - average speed: 5,14 km/h - remarks: Brutally hot in the morning already, allergy in place. Not enjoyable weather for me personally but that’s ok. #health
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barefoot walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 20,75 min - average speed: 5,20 km/h - remarks: Starting the work week one day later than usual cos I took a day off yesterday. Today, again warm, sunny, weather seems to be constant. Still, allergy is present which is getting on my nerves but ok - I try not to complain out loud #health
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barefoot walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 20 min - average speed: 5,40 km/h - remarks: Good weather. Sunny as almost every day the last days with some decent wind that feels refreshing. Overall good weather. Pollen allergy still affecting me #health
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barefoot walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 21 min - average speed: 5,14 km/h - remarks: Fine weather: sun, blue sky, warm, could be bit fresher, at least some wind, pollen allergy still going especially tickling nose; skin irregularities forehead still there (at least since 13.05.18, on my intense mother’s day walk in the sun) which I’m trying to treat with eating meat once a week (every Sunday) since 27.05.18 after having consulted the doctor on 24.05.18); it’s the only bodily issue I’m having an eye on (except for my eyes which is only cosmetic thing); apart from that the HIIT workout from yesterday is still in my bones (especially bump and upper legs 😛 - oh and I’ve been taking it pretty slow with walking, around 20 minutes all these past day, which I find ok since I have real workout sessions in which I’m moving faster #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 40,25 min - average speed: 7,45 km/h - remarks: Weird temperatures: not really super cold, but also not mild. Despite the real temperature the felt temperature irritates my body: On the one hand he wants to relax (and release tension) because it’s kind of mild, on the other hand he wants contract and keep the warmth. Very irritating. Apart from that I thought about dressing up in my roles played for the weekdaykickoff - it would be fun and bringing fun to the people is one of implicit objectives in life. Also a good speed. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,5 min - average speed: 7,23 km/h - remarks: melted snow which made walking harder and wetter but also fun - remembering childhood moments playing soccer in the snow *awesome* #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 42,5 min - average speed: 7,06 km/h - remarks: nope #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 42,5 min - average speed: 7,06 km/h - remarks: nope #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 40,25 min - average speed: 7,45 km/h - remarks: exceptionally fast today. Again blue sky, sun out there, cold but with sunshine and blue sky cold is not so much a problem. Based on the walk I came up with the idea for 2 drafts of blog articles (one related to life being a maze („amazing“ ^^), not a mess; and the other related to how to actors should consider auditions — both articles are about perspectives.) #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 43,25 min - average speed: 6,94 km/h - remarks: walked directly after I returned from cleaning job - so I was physically tired obviously #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,75 min - average speed: 7,19 km/h - remarks: took a little shortcut (few meters less), beside that lots of thoughts running through my head mostly because of starting with a new daily routine today (practicing my craft) which usually doesn’t work smoothly in the beginning but that’s ok #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 42,25 min - average speed: 7,10 km/h - remarks: like yesterday a very necessary walk out since I felt the roof was falling onto my head. Realized once more that walking for 30-60 minutes doesn’t only help physical health but gives me time to arrange your thoughts (and let come up what’s important right now). I could run instead of having a walk but then 5km would over sooner, and then I would have to run more than 5km to have enough time for thinking through and cleansing my head, but that would mean I would lose energy for the rest of my activities on the day. And the walking itself is not about performance (kilometers per minute/hour) but the consistency of doing it. So, all in all it’s good to stick to 5km every day consistently and if I’m feeling I add some workout to it. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,75 min - average speed: 7,19 km/h - remarks: as always the act of walking is my best friend, helping me by giving answers and clearing up my head. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 40,75 min - average speed: 7,36 km/h - remarks: Bombastically cold! I felt parts of my face actually freeze to numb. If I hadn’t moved my facial muscles it would have :P Knees both fine. Also, I realized that in the beginning of each fast walk I’ve been pumping to get my body on temperature. When warm enough I continue / maintain that rhythm until in middle (sometimes more towards to the end of the walk) I start to freeze because I lose tension in my body and concentration. Towards the end, I gain concentration again by pumping more and arrive with a pretty warmed up body back at the house. Also, in this midnight walk I realized how energy-draining fighting or dealing with the cold is. I’m feeling super hungry now. Also, during the walk I felt good and powerful, also because having walked though this 40 minutes of cold voluntarily is what I as a small and important win for the day :) #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 40,75 min - average speed: 7,36 km/h - remarks: knees both ok, still very cold outside due to clear sky; 4 days in a row with moon shining. Makes a tremendous difference on the mood to walk several days at midnight (dark and moon) and to walk several days at noon time (with sun and blue sky). #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 43 min - average speed: 6,98 km/h - remarks: little pinching pain in both knees, especially the left but beautiful sunny weather, blue sky and accordingly cold with frozen tierra and tears in the eyes due to the temperatures #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 43,50 min - average speed: 6,90 km/h - remarks: thought a lot about soycubano and the cold temperatures outside made feeling uncomfortable easier - cold is great, to a degree #health
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walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 17,5 min - average speed: 6,17 km/h - remarks: No big thoughts, the walk felt rushy in my head but was slow in reality. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 42 min - average speed: 7,14 km/h - remarks: what was melted got frozen again so walking was a bit like on a glacier #health
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