Similar todos
show nearby makers at (quick prototype) #wip
add "maker widgets" – you can now easily embed a "made by me" widget on your site. #wip
Link user profile locations to our Makers Map, so you can quickly see who else is in that area #wip
group makers by join date (temporary design) #wip
add makerwidget #accountableblogging
add makerwidget #nomadplacemap
add makerwidget #codewithhugo
add to #makerweekly
add location to maker profile #wip
fix makers page list, handle weird bug and allow any user to add maker on maker hunt page !
Add maker widget #ss
Add maker widget #myga
chat with makers #fajarsiddiq
Add #progressionpage to Maker Widget
help maker #fajarsiddiq
help makers #fajarsiddiq
makerwidget placement move on join page local #makernews
Put makers in db #femake
Add maker widget to #nhubb