Similar todos
fix signature when collecting query timings #wt
add timestamps and carbon dates to all queries / types
scope all db queries #chamados
use trace table for users stats #wt
see performance improvements to query latencies due to tweaks #spectate
fix queries for huge performance boost #spectate
optimize db queries
#chartpoet setup ui for my sql queries
add timings to events bi db #apercite
Speed up database tests #domainwatchman
measure code timings #wt
process queries 2.5x more faster #nanobrain
improve db query response time #clippulse
#nagel Find SQL query that has no indexes and ran for >5 seconds, so add index and now it runs in 0.01s
Add timestamps to all database mutations so analysing events is possible in the future #sparkly
try different sql query statement
updated sentry and start capturing more queries to debug where a specific query is coming from... #spectate