Similar todos
Checked out
researching Vue.js
initial research into Vue.js #bleakio
Spent an hour reading some of [the backend code][1] for a Go / Vue chat app I saw posted to Reddit, as a way of trying to build familiarity with how my Go / Vue projects should be structured / work.
play around with VueJS #wtf
#allplay client: rip out vue and go straight vanilla js
Spent 30 minutes reading 'Testing Vue.js Applications', stopped at 2.1.4 #rhymecraft
try writing some Vue and give up
write article about first impressions of Vue
Read 'Testing Vue.js Applications' for 30 minutes, got up to 3.1.1. #rhymecraft
Start conversionto Vue
Read 'Testing Vue.js Applications' for 40+ minutes, got up to section 4.3. #rhymecraft
Read 'Testing Vue.js Applications' for 30+ minutes, got up to section 3.4. #rhymecraft
👨💻 learning vue | i have to re-write some code from react to vue
exploring vuejs testing
working on more Vue & laravel
Read 'Testing Vue.js Applications' for 40+ minutes, got up to section 4.5 #rhymecraft