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feeling excited that I can basically replace myself with automation tools (K8S, Nomad) on server management cause it was becoming very tedious to manage 150+ Debian systems manually for #crisp and #mirage and #prose
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setup nomad cluster to automate hosting of #prose systems cause I don't want to manage servers anymore
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write article about deploying nomad on vultr servers in a few clicks to host apps #life
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perform experiments with hashicorp nomad for future #crisp infrastructure
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finish up deploying test nomad cluster for #crisp future infrastructure research
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work on moving all #crisp microservices to docker, planning for an upcoming migration to nomad
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start moving small #crisp enrichment api from traditionally managed vps to infra as code on kubernetes to progressively reduce server mess
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kubernetes #rc
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experimenting with nomad for #crisp
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Soon all indie hackers are gonna run their apps on kubernetes cause it will be very simple
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🚀 refactored my server setup, shut off a DO droplet, redeployed two dozen websites, and configs are getting smaller and much easier to support
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👨‍💻 even more k8s
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#relativity k8s up and running 🎊
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late night helping a client with a k8s deploy. not my favorite system to work with but it's done
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finally start really hating kubernetes #life
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After a lot of learnings... Rancher 2 k8s Cluster up and running #altafino
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👨‍💻 more k8s
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big refactor of server. I'm so happy
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👨‍💻 more k8s
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Started using kubernetes since 2017, and it's still awesome, people have no idea!
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