Similar todos
update exports to support multiple tables when generating relationship maps between datasets;
- sqlite ✅
- feather✅
- parquet✅
- excel✅
- csv✅
- json✅
- pickle✅
implement server side data model for tables.
Define support data model and create tables for basic entities #clanlatamdb
migrate data to new table structure in preparation of “library” feature #gistreader
prepare SQL models/schema for #there
dev -> make a searchable table with advanced options (mockup data) #abcgamers
implemented initial mapping table to build user many2many #skillmap
add ability to add tables #financialtoolbelt
setup model backed data #makerstories
data generation now understands the different types data relationships(one to many, many to many, one to one) #datamachine
Build tables #oxbowui
database setup #habitsapp
start creating the data to be used
added more object oriented tables to database (businesses, starters) #starterstory
db schema design for #promptmize
transform cy results to new data schema
mount new tables
sketch out data structures for dbs