Similar todos
review and add 4 mobile app boilerplates #saasboilerplates
more SEO experimentation: create separate summary and full review pages for select boilerplates to see if it makes a difference #saasboilerplates
build script review pages #pasfoto
continue pruning and updating boilerplates #saasboilerplates
change "Results: 29" to "29 boilerplates found" thanks to @drodol feedback #saasboilerplates
continue updating boilerplates #saasboilerplates
Create demo page project boilerplate. #shardsdashboards
refactored basic layout for #astronote #boilerplate
vuepress boilerplate
setup boilerplate for
learn boilerplate code #gamedev
finish adding review pages #pasfoto
add new boilerplates & update info on existing ones per author requests #saasboilerplates
created a quick design for #astronote boilerplate #leifinlavida
created single page article and tag page #astronote #boilerplate
add 3 more Django boilerplates to #saasboilerplates
review build process and write documentation
check and update pricing details of all Rails boilerplates #saasboilerplates
update boilerplate config on #workstyle site
Improve post format for SEO:
In continuance with SEO experimentation - trying out a new format for a select few boilerplates. Added table of contents and more sections like pros & cons, reviews, demo video etc. #saasboilerplates