Similar todos
Started looking into how to debug Go code:… #govuetifytemplate
bought IntelliJ Ultimate All Products Pack annual subscription b/c I want to use GoLand and paying for that and PyCharm is close to the same price as getting all the rest of the IDEs/tools as well; installed GoLand and WebStorm (for Vue dev work); learned I seem to need to open my 'backend' subdirectory as a root project in GoLand to avoid 'unknown dependency' errors; switch from using the gorilla/mux router to chi b/c apparently it's more actively developed(?) and more popular(?); look into using the Huma REST API framework; got the Huma "Hello World" example working in my code
Keep debugging #stenograph
Added… for general debugging advise
Debugging #cloudzen
tried to figure out how to run the VS Code debugger in a Docker container via Compose. I saw someone do it today and it looked so easy...
researched debugging inter-vm
add debugging tool #org
stayed up later than normal getting VS Code devcontainers working so I an debug easier.
struggle and fail to debug issue
Kept exploring AI-assisted code tools and switched from Cursor back to VS Code and subscribed to GitHub Copilot Chat #chores
Managed to launch my IDE for #connectify today
debugging #cloudzen
got stuck with typescript. Googled for a while. Remembered chatGPT existence. Asked. Problem solved. Keep coding.
Debugging bugs #jovial
Figured out how to fix the problem I frequently have with Jetbrains where it doesn't show my project files, posted the answer to Stack Overflow:…