Similar todos
add price comparison to deal if applicable #yelmair
display average price per airline for route #yelmair
update deal price #cssscan
update deal price #cssscan
fixed sold deals #dealflow
calculate popular deal in new way: instead of just averaging total clicks, use average clicks per day (because otherwise long valid deals would always be popular by just being online very long) #yelmair
show prices #rewardsflights
improve historical prices by differentiating colors of direct and non-direct deals and add airline and type to tooltip #yelmair
work on adding a scatter plot of price vs distance for deals #yelmair
add stats for direct vs non-direct flights #yelmair
#lifeprogress adjust price
worked out pricing #revsplit
import deals #rewardsflights
import deals #rewardsflights
add FROM price to emphasize temporary deal #yelmair
#slim up price
#flip up price
trying to determine pricing #nachobase
change deal price #cssscan