Similar todos
Plan how to migrate data off elasticsearch to tinybird to save $7k/yr #thieve
started migration of 16m product likes from elastic to tinybird with Inngest #thieve
Use tinybird for campaign analytics
Realise TinyBird had about 85% compression compared to data stored in elastic making it even cheaper than we thought #thieve
started migrating parts of the database from PostgreSQL #klimy
Multi-tenant Analytics MVP with Tinybird #saasco
start migrating stuff #cubome
migrate old db data to new backend #isplogger
model and migrate data for events in database #june
Migrate Birdocs to #unmarkdocs
migrate large tables to Hypertables with Timescaledb, now loading chart data in less than 100ms 🔥 #spectate
migrate data from #cardmapr to #rewardsflights
researching materialized view in postgres for #djangopackages to help clean things up
Migrate databases #life