Similar todos
spent a full work day finishing the course on my home-recording studio setup, starting the drip on the home studio, started and completed the course on improving my casting chances, and practiced the one commercial radio script that I want to home-run to perfection #stolenvoice
worked on my improvised home-recording setup, practiced more commercial scripts #stolenvoice
refined and finalized the last 4 commercial scripts. Finally I brought this to an end. According to my process rehearing is what’ll follow tomorrow (and audio recording them after). Wish me success! #stolenvoice
I just finished a 30 minutes videoconference - client project #makerpath
working on last weeks final edits for client #smartproduktion
deliver client video project (one more video project to finish)
finished off my weekly consulting #revsys
Wrapping up production issues #work
worked on the new video conferencing software.
client work —- > almost done with all 2017 projects
finished out a week of client work #revsys
finished out a week of client work #revsys
client video project filming
- [[social]] more meetups with friends 🙌
- [[work.icanstudy]] spend 1.5 hrs on the course ✅
- complete the nick huber's twitter course ✅
finishing off some #revsys client work
Had an overwhelming response from voice over artist for the #unalike blog and videos, and need to finish getting back to everyone individually.
made a video for ia email assitant, working on video editing