Similar todos
upload focus music album to distrokid #makermusic
Publish new track to Spotify #weeklybeats
My track of the day! Wish @marc implement music sharing on WIP… (via my wife recommendation)#life
w00t track 3 live:… #sontosun
#sontosun track 6 progress, figured out sample rate issue. Learning!
finally got my first printed merch:D
submit tracks and art to distributor for online musicstores and streaming #makermusic
Sold my first print on Gumroad 🥲 #nomeattoday
Finally made my first sale ever \o/ #directoryfast
#sontosun new track live!…
Publish one music track titled "Light Release" in Focus category #deepmeditate
Create initial intro track for EP #music
upload edited sounds to soundcloud
Made my first paid sale (even though it's free) with AudioBuddy
Submit new single for end of the month for distribution, license rights (credits added) #fauxmusicmanager
Upload + release youtube single for this weeks release #fauxmusicmanager
finished track 1 rough #starwaves
upload new song #terminalman
Qued up 2 more tracks for release by late Feb #sontosun
#sontosun Track 6 DONE