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Built out podcast content engine, can go from podcast -> 30 tweets!! lfg
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tweet about weekend project
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Post demo on twitter #thundercontent
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Scheduled 2 weeks worth of Tweets showcasing previous work at #hackercontent
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Write twitter thread on building in public #mvpsprint…
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Tweet some #fashn progress 🥳
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daily demo tweets to promote #heyfromapp
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draft tweet thread for build in public #fajarsiddiq
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schedule some build in public tweets for next week to see how they do
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Reply to 5 tweets, stacking the days #life
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A few demo calls today and adding content to the blog #pingbot
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written and planned 10+ tweets for next weeks on 2024MUSICx6 challenge #eekayonline
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build new tweet composer #ytcount
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Repurpose twitter thread on building in public for Linkedin and Indie Hackers #mvpsprint
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Tweet about #fashn updates after a while of not building in public
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working on tweet to image demo #copicake
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load some tweets into typefully for next week
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Post video on Twitter about product demo I built a while ago to see if anyone wants a tutorial on how to do it.…
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created tweets for entire week to promote subpages of #sportstechjobs and tweet about the process…
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write twitter content
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