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Prepare #validator Shopify app store listing
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Submitted #testimonialsomo to the Shopify App store #codersfail
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Listed more than 500+ Shopify Stores to create automatic outreach emails for #trailerwave
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Add Shopify Apps #appwatch
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send shopify email
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Submit #faqsonmetaobjects to the Shopify app store
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working with shopify app
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test other shopify apps
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Submitted #validator to the Shopify app store 🚀
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Keep discovering possible Shopify opportunities #funmode
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add revenue (where available), review counts, shopify app name, category to spreadsheet
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Brainstorming the approach for the new Shopify app #validator
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install product review app for shopify store #valenciana
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Recheck Shopify billing API access when creating the app listing draft for #validator
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Go through 1k+ of spam emails and adjust junk recognition
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Brainstorm the next Shopify app ideas #codersfail
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Started learning Shopify API for new app
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filter out spam emails #penelopeai
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Start familiarizing myself with Shopify apps API #funmode
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Collect all ideas on what performance improvements are possible for Shopify stores #codersfail
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