Similar todos
updating my carrd --- found a nice project idea in doing so
Clean up my To Do list #collectablestracker
clear up todoist
Cleared out my todo list that I dump random ideas for tasks into, moving everything into other lists named after the goal the todo is advancing. I should really switch to Jira instead.
eliminated lots of stuff from to do list
clean up Todoist and organize tasks #kipple
Upgrade Carrd plan to 50 websites #life
Cleaned inbox of todoapp #life
Tidy up Things, my todo app
clear all todo tasks, and add only little so i can manage and focus better, stress free environment as i'm too productive as heck #fajarsiddiq
Cleaned up inbox with todo’s #pl
Rebuild website on Carrd #beksial
🛞 fixed a tire and decluttered some lingering projects
clear more untodo tasks #fajarsiddiq
"to-do" list shorter than "done" list for new app
Finished a blog template on Carrd #lookmomnocode