Similar todos
learn something curious about email marketing
write article on the genius of Indie Hackers new email segmentation #marketingexamples…
send email to my newsletter subscribers with recent posts #blog3
weekly email #blog
weekly email #blog
weekly email #blog
some „infusion” of email growing list strategies #copywritingdelivery
added content marketing and how to write a cold email to #growthstarterkit
client work: send Sunday email 1/5 #emailcopywriter
blog/email for today
write ep. 17 of #emailcopywriter podcast
daily email #emailcopywriter
email makers about their stories for the blog #newco
send newsletter #blog3
submit #superresponder related reddit post “Why is email used so transactionally, instead of relationally?”… - important: it’s no copy of what I submitted to Hacker News. It’s a unique text. I believe that matters/makes a difference.