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walked 1.8km (well a bit more) 🏃 - time: 18,75 min - average speed: 5,76 km/h - remarks: No big thoughts at this dark evening walk. Time flew today and 5 hours I spent with only answering emails, messages and doing book-keeping. Crazy. Think this will change. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,5 min - average speed: 7,23 km/h - remarks: sunny again, cold to mild with regard to temperatures; thought about my copy delivery (theme park) and how I could make it sound more peer-to-peer/conversational/natural; had in mind that people can be appealing in terms of their outward appearance or their inner soul, meaning: you can love/like the inner soul of a person although he/she may have things on the surface you don’t consider pretty. So the lesson to learn is: Even if you don’t like the surface of a person (like you don’t like some things that person said), you can still learn from that person. To say it more direct and frank: Even if a person is ugly for you to look at (which is highly subjective) or an asshole in what he/she is saying, still keep your senses open to what it is he/she is expressing and how he/she is as a person. People don’t only say bad things and people are not only assholes - this is not a movie played by characters, it’s life played by humans which means that - in theory - you would be able to relate anybody’s decisions, notions and expression. #health
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walked 5.7km 🏃 - time: 45,5 min - average speed: 7,52 km/h - remarks: first time walk at my bro’s neighborhood north of Berlin, felt good, was fricking cold but for now the fastest time - and walked bit more than 5km because there was no other route to walk #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 47 min - average speed: 6,38 km/h - remarks: took old clothes to clothes collection (Humana), met old soccer colleague (and talked) and created the „donkey bridge“ (Eselsbrücke) „stolen-focus-death-2go“ to remember what I thought of during walking and take notes after when back at the computer #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 40,5 min - average speed: 7,41 km/h - remarks: sunny day - noticed: walking first thing in the morning clearly affects my mood (or in other words: I let the lack and presence of the sun influence my mood because I’m in control of it). However, having the sun outside while walking 5k clearly makes the the beginning of the day easier, especially because it’s an accomplishment in the morning after getting up felt more like a pain („getting out of warm bed with cold air in the room due to window open“ pain); Had the thought: The challenge is to keep up with the routine while not making it a boring experience. Had another thought: My life in exaggerated notions: Teens (10s) = the weird years, Twenties (20s) = the „drunk“ years though I started drinking with something around 22 (late), Thirties (30s) = the serious years. Though exaggerated it’s accurate. Over and out. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 43 min - average speed: 6,98 km/h - remarks: During the walk I had an idea for a naii blog post that kept me busy for the next 2.75h after I returned back to the house, and I had first rough idea for the UI of studiolist (dark-blue/gray/purple-ish + yellow color scheme - so it looks a bit technical but not too technical) #health
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walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 5,76 min - average speed: 18,75 km/h - remarks: Good evening walk with many thoughts like ending my regular life rhythm and changing it in 2019 - I made a promise (also to myself) that I’ll change that and come close the life and person I want to be - time of today’s includes bringing the garbage out. #health
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walked 5km (but it was Friday, Feb 16) 🏃 - time: 40,75 min - average speed: 7,36 km/h - remarks: Clearly slower than yesterday but still faster than usual - no big thoughts only the idea that my artist’s name I want keep (so iian will survive) #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 43,25 min - average speed: 6,94 km/h - remarks: walked directly after I returned from cleaning job - so I was physically tired obviously #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 43 min - average speed: 6,98 km/h - remarks: little pinching pain in both knees, especially the left but beautiful sunny weather, blue sky and accordingly cold with frozen tierra and tears in the eyes due to the temperatures #health
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walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 17,5 min - average speed: 6,17 km/h - remarks: No big thoughts, the walk felt rushy in my head but was slow in reality. #health
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walked 2.6km 🏃 - time: 24 min - average speed: 6,50 km/h - remarks: A two-way morning walk incl. a return walk, combining pleasure with duty (passport retrieval) #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 42,75 min - average speed: 7,02 km/h - remarks: pretty slow compared to yesterday and the days before. Contemplated a lot about soccer, and missing to play soccer about missed chances in life - feeling a bit sentimental. Nothing to worry but important to acknowledge that today’s meeting with one of my most important friends in my childhood and teenage yesterday got me thinking and encourages me go after what I wanna do with my life - now more than ever. That means to pursue what I’m doing now and stick to my gut feeling, really listen to what Mr. Gut tells me. Life can be terrible if you never release your thoughts and transform them into action. You can feel like a prisoner caught in your self - horrible. That’s why taking action, getting things going, even only talking about them and taking those walks (that I’ve been doing for some weeks now) helps to break free from this cage and farewell it with a mixture of middle finger and a hug. Contradiction? Totally, but that’s life in general. As far as I’m concerned. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,5 min - average speed: 7,23 km/h - remarks: scary… 3rd day in a row with the same 41,5 minutes of walking time, also scary (in a positive sense) is the obscurity due to the fog outside, perfect setting for B/C horror movie setting. Apart from that many thoughts about the pursue of my path as an actor/voiceover and the feeling that this is something I want to spend more time on. Feels good doing it and makes me feel good. #health
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walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 17,5 min - average speed: 6,17 km/h - remarks: Night walk after a not so super accomplished but ok day. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,5 min - average speed: 7,24 km/h - remarks: knees both feeling fine; thought a lot about soccer and outdoor sports in general. Defined that soccer and hacky sack I would do as an OUTDOOR activity and voiceover and tech as an indoor activity because I remembered thanks to the meeting on Saturday with the formerly good friend of mine that this was what we did: Play soccer outside and be on the computer (programming or playing) inside. That was fulfilling so I’ll try to replicate that and transfer it from the 90s to 2018. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 40,5 min - average speed: 7,41 km/h - remarks: wild thoughts that crossed my mind, from finding a partner or not, to the cuba experience (and the heavy rain Erick and I experience in Viñales), I thought the freewritecamp lesson I sent out today (2 days late) and I thought about how to talk on social media so it’s meaningful on the one hand (me being the „expert“) but on the other hand personal to bond with some of the people following me… lots of thoughts, AND: if I exclude yesterday’s super-fast performance (with more than 5km of talking) tonight was the first time I walked less than 41 minutes for 5km - and it was extraordinarily cold but also beautiful with the moon and clear sky - a setting Stephen King would have liked as well (yesterday and today while taking the train I read on his „On Writing“ piece and I like many parts of it #health
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walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 20 min - average speed: 5,40 km/h - remarks: Didn’t feel like a super good day. No footbag outside because I edited a lot on the ep. 5 of stolenvoice tv. Still, at least I had an evening walk outside which I didn’t do yesterday 🙁 #health
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walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 20,5 min - average speed: 5,27 km/h - remarks: A very slow walk mainly thinking whether a Dr. or PhD could be an option once I’m financially „settled“ - the topic I’d chose to research on would be obviously „The role of identity in the digital age“ #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41 min - average speed: 7,32 km/h - remarks: sunny, partly blue sky, in winter dress it felt warm and sweaty. Overall a nice and relaxed mood at noon time here. Thoughts were about acting, meaning: When you’re acting, you’re not all of a sudden becoming that character. The camera or microphone only happens to be there when you perform those particular lines and scenes. The story of the character began before the recording and will continue when the recording has finished. That makes acting so challenging when learning but rewarding when „mastering“. #health
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