walked 5km 🏃 - time: 40,5 min - average speed: 7,41 km/h - remarks: sunny day - noticed: walking first thing in the morning clearly affects my mood (or in other words: I let the lack and presence of the sun influence my mood because I’m in control of it). However, having the sun outside while walking 5k clearly makes the the beginning of the day easier, especially because it’s an accomplishment in the morning after getting up felt more like a pain („getting out of warm bed with cold air in the room due to window open“ pain); Had the thought: The challenge is to keep up with the routine while not making it a boring experience. Had another thought: My life in exaggerated notions: Teens (10s) = the weird years, Twenties (20s) = the „drunk“ years though I started drinking with something around 22 (late), Thirties (30s) = the serious years. Though exaggerated it’s accurate. Over and out. #health
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